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Modify the Offer tracking script by adding two parameter queries at the end of your tracking domain URL, after the ? character:oid=THE_OFFER_ID_GOES_HERE (replace with offer ID that you got from Voluum).dtp-attribution=oid (this parameter tells the scrpt to ignore the current logic and use the provided offer ID)Your modified offer tracking script should look like this (changes in bold): Put this modified script on all offer pages that you wish to track but not add to Voluum.Create a direct linking campaign (with no lander between an ad and an offer page) with the offer that you wish to assign visits to and put the unmodified version of the script into this offer’s HTML."}

Track Offer Visits Without Funnel Setup

This feature allows you to track pages that are not defined in Voluum. Visits from these pages will be attributed to the offer added to Voluum. This feature may be useful to:

  • People dealing with multiple offers that they don't want or have time to add in Voluum separately.
  • Offers with auto-generated URLs.

This feature requires some manual edits to the offer tracking script and is recommended to more tech-savvy users.

How Does It Work?

Voluum assigns each offer a unique ID. But if you want to track offers that are not added to Voluum, you have to add the ID of the offer that was added to Voluum to the Offer tracking URL. This will tell Voluum to which offer it should attribute a visit.

How to Set Up Visit Tracking Without Funnel Setup?
  1. Grab an offer ID by enabling the 'Offer ID' column view.

    It should look something like this: 84a669c9-9603-4fe6-8eb0-0a55513ae4b8

  2. Grab an Offer tracking script from an offer form and paste it to any text editing tool.

    It should look something like this:

    <style>.dtpcnt{opacity: 0;}</style>
    (function(c,a,f,q,b,m,r,g,h,k,d,n,e,p){p="https:"===c.location.protocol?"secure; ":"";c[b]||(c[b]=function(a){c[b].state.callbackQueue.push(a)},c[b].state={callbackQueue:[]},c[b].registerConversion=function(a){c[b].state.callbackQueue.push(a)},function(){(k=/[?&]cpid(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)/.exec(c.location.href))&&k[2]&&(d=k[2],n=a.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )vl-"+d+"=([^;]+)")));var b=a.cookie.match(/(^| )vl-cid=([^;]+)/),l;"savedCid"!==r||!b||d&&"undefined"!==typeof d||(l=b.pop());g=a.createElement("script");
    h=a.scripts[0];g.src=m+(-1===m.indexOf("?")?"?":"&")+"oref="+f(a.referrer)+"&ourl="+f(location[q])+"&opt="+f(a.title)+"&vtm="+(new Date).getTime()+(l?"&cid="+l:"")+(n?"&uw=no":"");h.parentNode.insertBefore(g,h);d&&(e=new Date,e.setTime(e.getTime()+864E5),a.cookie="vl-"+d+"=1; "+p+"samesite=Strict; expires="+e.toGMTString()+"; path=/")}())})(window,document,encodeURIComponent,"href","dtpCallback","","savedCid");
    <noscript><link href="" rel="stylesheet"/></noscript>

  3. Modify the Offer tracking script by adding two parameter queries at the end of your tracking domain URL, after the ? character:

    • oid=THE_OFFER_ID_GOES_HERE (replace with offer ID that you got from Voluum).
    • dtp-attribution=oid (this parameter tells the scrpt to ignore the current logic and use the provided offer ID)

    Your modified offer tracking script should look like this (changes in bold):

    <style>.dtpcnt{opacity: 0;}</style>
    (function(c,a,f,q,b,m,r,g,h,k,d,n,e,p){p="https:"===c.location.protocol?"secure; ":"";c[b]||(c[b]=function(a){c[b].state.callbackQueue.push(a)},c[b].state={callbackQueue:[]},c[b].registerConversion=function(a){c[b].state.callbackQueue.push(a)},function(){(k=/[?&]cpid(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)/.exec(c.location.href))&&k[2]&&(d=k[2],n=a.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )vl-"+d+"=([^;]+)")));var b=a.cookie.match(/(^| )vl-cid=([^;]+)/),l;"savedCid"!==r||!b||d&&"undefined"!==typeof d||(l=b.pop());g=a.createElement("script");
    h=a.scripts[0];g.src=m+(-1===m.indexOf("?")?"?":"&")+"oref="+f(a.referrer)+"&ourl="+f(location[q])+"&opt="+f(a.title)+"&vtm="+(new Date).getTime()+(l?"&cid="+l:"")+(n?"&uw=no":"");h.parentNode.insertBefore(g,h);d&&(e=new Date,e.setTime(e.getTime()+864E5),a.cookie="vl-"+d+"=1; "+p+"samesite=Strict; expires="+e.toGMTString()+"; path=/")}())})(window,document,encodeURIComponent,"href","dtpCallback","","savedCid");
    <noscript><link href="" rel="stylesheet"/></noscript>

  4. Put this modified script on all offer pages that you wish to track but not add to Voluum.
  5. Create a direct linking campaign (with no lander between an ad and an offer page) with the offer that you wish to assign visits to and put the unmodified version of the script into this offer's HTML.

Track & optimize
your campaigns with ease!